Thursday, May 21, 2015

Throne Thursdays: Martell

Hey, it's still technically Thursday!  That means I can rest easy in the knowledge that I squeaked in under my personally imposed deadline.  We might actually get this quilt finished by Christmas!  Today's installment of my Game of Thrones quilt is the Martell sigil.

We were out tonight enjoying our eldest daughter's performance in her school talent show and having celebratory ice cream afterwards, so I started working on this block late this evening.  That would explain the one terrible picture, but it's documented so we'll call it good.  This was a really easy pattern to draft, which made it kind of fun to stitch up as well.

Game of Thrones quilt
Computer-generated image.

I would rate the difficulty at about a 2/5.  Very few sections that are easy to piece, and there are only a couple spots where points need to line up.  Here's the finished product:

Game of Thrones quilt
The real deal!

In real life, the colors are a lot more vibrant than this.  I tried to avoid getting garish colors so it didn't end up looking like McDonalds threw up on the quilt, and I love the three colors I found.  They are all tonals, and the orange is a beautiful burnt orange.  I think it will look great in the final product.

You can find the pattern here and on Craftsy.

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